Monday, June 4, 2012

New podcasts 06/05/2012

  • Hobbs, Will. TAKE ME TO THE RIVERNew York : Harper, 2011IL 5-8, RL 5.7ISBN 0060741457Fourteen year old Dylan can’t wait for his adventure down the Rio Grande with his uncle and his cousin Rio. Arriving at the bus stop in Alpine, Texas is just the beginning of a harrowing adventure for Dylan. Expecting his uncle to meet him, Dylan instead receives a text from his cousin to “hitch” a ride to their place.Puzzled, and not certain if he should, Dylan decides to go ahead and sets out. He’ll just wait to check in with his mother. Once Dylan arrives, he discovers the trip was to have been cancelled since his Uncle had an unexpected business trip to Alaska. Cousin Rio convinces him to stay and go on the adventure as planned. What could possible go wrong? Travel down the Rio Grande with these teens as a hurricane brews, Blackhawk choppers circle above and a dangerous man crosses their path. Will they survive a triple threat? (Booktalk written by Catherine Ryan- GSF committee/ New England College)

    tags: podcasts blueduke elementary nhgsf

Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.

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